Sunday, May 29, 2011

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  • maczter
    Nov 20, 12:29 PM
    ...VIA has done more to hurt AMD's acceptance in the mainstream than Intel could ever have hoped to do.

    Anyone know who's making the fantabulously spotty logic boards for the MacBook Pros? They bought one for me at work and it's getting ready to go in for its 3rd logic board replacement. I've used Macs since '92 and owned several of my own since '96 and I've never had to replace anything but a worn out (noisy) fan in a PowerMac. This thing's really starting to annoy me.

    it would mean backstabbing and betrayal if apple went with amd.

    Seriously though, what's the big deal? These days CPU's don't cost much more than mid-range GPU's, but you don't hear anyone freaking out when Apple offers both NVidia *and* ATI GPU's in the Mac Pro and the iMac. :eek:

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  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 12, 08:49 AM
    OK, this is the big prediction. A new 50" Display for Home Theater use...

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  • zwida
    Oct 2, 07:34 PM
    Well, that has to be the funniest thing I ever heard.

    Heh. I literally laughed out loud when I saw that line.

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  • ArchaicRevival
    May 3, 01:50 PM
    No! I love my Optimus V Quick Settings app! I'm actually using it right now in class cause the stupid wi-fi doesn't work at this freaking UNIVERSITY! :mad:


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  • arkitect
    Apr 27, 12:42 PM
    You do realize that Mord is transgendered, right? Why not listen to someone who's actually been there for as change?

    Because sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "La� La�*la�" is so much easier.

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  • relimw
    Sep 25, 11:22 AM
    Aperture can indeed do watermarks on export.
    Hehe, you beat me to my editing....


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  • qtx43
    Apr 16, 01:08 PM
    It still hurts you, isn't it? When it's Apple that re-invent the phone.
    Goes on. Keep denying pal. Let us know how hurt you are. Pundits out there all accepted what iPhone did to the industry. Only bitter person like you can not accept that. :cool:

    You are one of those idiots crawling at Engadget who saw Macworld 2007 keynote and think only one thing.. "touch screen keyboard? Yuck!!!", I guess. LOLYes, I'm an idiot for using my iPad's touch screen. You're so perceptive! What are you, 12 years old?

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  • arn
    Jan 5, 10:31 PM
    I am not sure whether or not this has been suggested, but is it not possible for someone in the audience ( to set up a video or audio feed?

    It's been discussed in this thread:

    It's best summed up here:

    It would be nice, but there are significant hurdles with streaming when you scale up to the volumes that a public keynote stream would attract. There are very few organisations with the infrastructure to serve large numbers of simultaneous streams, and even with donated bandwidth you then have the logistical problem of sending the feed from the source to multiple distribution points.
    Oh it's definitely possible, but really there's only one company that could realistically cope with the traffic - Akamai - and even they would likely have problems. 150,000 people streaming 300kbit video would be about 44 Gbit/sec, which would be about 10-15% of Akamai's entire global bandwidth usage and 50% of their streams. Even audio would be 10 Gbit/sec for a 64 kbit stream.

    Basically, serving up simultanous traffic for a live feed is very resource intensive. It's a very different thing to serve 100,000 people in a day vs 100,000 at the same time.

    We're incorporating near-real time photos in this year's MacRumors coverage... so it shuold be pretty enjoyable.... barring any unforseen circumstances. :)



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  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 13, 12:22 PM
    The OP was ambiguous ... I read it that the weapons used on 9/11 were still not banned. As opposed to not banned at the time.

    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    When was the last time a European or Japanese plane were hijacked before 9/11? That's an ambiguous statistic. Nobody was hijacking planes before and nobody's hijacked planes since.

    Nobody hijacks Israeli planes either, and they're subject to much more terrorist attention than we are.

    In fact, TSA has twice failed to stop a bomber on a plane since 9/11. Both the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were stopped by passengers.

    TSA's measures aren't working, but a measure of common sense can easily mitigate the damage of someone smuggling a boxcutter or knife on to a plane.

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  • Jimmy James
    May 4, 08:56 AM
    just getting started...iPad 3!

    Exactly. Makes it sound like it's still underdeveloped.


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  • 8CoreWhore
    Apr 12, 03:43 AM
    There is the objective and the subjective. Objectively, one might say - hey, W8 is stable, and functional, etc...

    Subjectively, people like what they like...

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  • b166er
    Mar 17, 06:00 PM
    it's a shame the whole "antennagate" fiasco gave the iPhone 4 such a bad rep. I've had mine since launch, and I have had roughly 5 dropped calls. 3 of which happened while I was in a moving vehicle. So it could just as easily be blamed on the network or the place I was driving through at the time.

    It seems like whenever someone wants to knock the iPhone they go straight for the antenna non-issue.


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  • crees!
    Oct 10, 04:28 PM
    Just bring it! That's all. Bring it!

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  • rdowns
    Apr 16, 07:01 PM
    I made an observation in a joking manner. But yeah, it probably does sting a little. ;)

    It's Saturday night. I'm going out with friends to see some bands and then hopefully get sodomized later.

    What are your plans? ;)

    Staying in. It's pouring with 40-50 mph winds. I gots me some sodomy last night though. ;)

    Hope you get some too!

    Well have fun Lee!

    Meanwhile here's a clip about the honey badger (

    I love that video. Cracks me up every time I see it.


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  • flopticalcube
    Nov 27, 05:48 PM
    Sale Day MB 2/120 now shipping! :)

    Shipment exception. :(

    C'est la vie.

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  • SactoGuy18
    Mar 24, 09:12 PM
    Congratulations on ten years of MacOS X. :)

    In many ways, by basing it on a variant of BSD Unix that uses the Mach kernel, MacOS X has a very high level of stability that multitasking power that is still hard to match.

    Remember the "Copland" project at Apple back in the middle 1990's to create a true multitasking version of the Mac operating system? I'm glad that when Jobs returned to Apple they decided to put the multitasking Mac operating system on top of the same Mach kernel, just like NeXTStep did.


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  • v66jack
    Mar 5, 03:43 PM
    Apple don't do all that much innovating themselves. They just buy small companies who innovate then sell it as their own.

    It's a bit more complicated than that in reality but generally that's where their stuff comes from.

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  • Dead Space Wallpapers: here

  • timmell
    Jan 9, 11:18 AM
    1.ACD Updates (Touchscreen, iSight, Firewire 800 added ports built in, better res, contrast, etc....

    2. iPhone update to 3g and 16GB model for $449 and 8GB now only $349.

    3. Apple TV/Movie Deal, Rental Deal. 250GB Apple TV with 1080p output and iTunes Purchases for movies and HDTV shows, up to 720P Res. downloads.

    Or at lease I hope for #1. I doubt it, but if my dream came true I would buy one and a ton of apple stock.:apple:

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 8, 02:11 PM
    Best Buy = Worst Buy.. I hold my opinion that they are worst buy.

    Jan 5, 11:24 AM
    And there you go!

    Nov 16, 10:35 PM
    Don't forget! It took Intel 6 years to really surpass AMD on performance. The current AMD Athlon is no slouch either. If it was a choice between the Athlon 64 or a Pentium 4, like it was a year ago, many here would be jumping for joy over a switch to AMD.

    The reality is ,though, that Apple seems pretty satisfied with Intel right now and I believe they made the right choice. If Apple does decide to use AMD processors then it would probably be for the iTV or the Mac Mini. These things won't be competing on raw power but on quality and price. An order I believe AMD can fill.

    Sep 25, 11:19 AM
    Actually neither Lightroom or Aperture can do watermarks (other than EXIF data.).

    Aperture can indeed do watermarks on export.

    Apr 25, 12:17 PM
    It looks like a painting.

    Jan 11, 04:17 PM
    I have a problem with tv-b-gone users in general.
    That said, I was laughing at the video.
    Some people have screamed "sue!"
    You have to be able to PROVE damages.

    As for causing the companies damages, remember these guys probably screwed up about 2 minutes worth of each presentation they messed with... We just happened to see it repeatedly, and non-stop. Don't forget those presentations are made every 5-10 minutes every day for 3-4 days... In the grand scheme of things, I have a hard time believing anyone was *really* damaged.

    That said, I'm going to be manning our booth at Macworld next week. I'm disabling the IR receivers so nobody comes by with an Apple remote, trying to trigger front row on all our laptops!! :)

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